‘One day, while taking a class, a few students had erroneously written 1 x 0 = 1. Much to her shock, their math teacher in school had actually taught them 1 x 0 was 1'.
My mother loves math.
Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to pass on her love for the subject to her son.
After she took voluntary retirement from her job, she began taking math tutions and also doubled as a substitute teacher in the school where my sister studied.
One day, while taking a class, a few students had erroneously written 1 x 0 = 1. Baffled, my mother corrected them and then asked who had taught them that. Much to her shock, their math teacher in school had actually taught them 1 x 0 was 1. However bad you were or are in math and how much ever you dislike the subject, I think knowing that anything multiplied by 0 is 0 is well, elementary.
This meant my mother had to course correct them and teach them wrong from right.
We have all encountered teachers who have taught us wrong things. This doesn’t end with school. Teacher can also refer to boss, leader, mentor, anyone you look up to. Unless you have won the lottery of a lifetime and were blessed to have people who only taught you the right things and looked out for you, you would have surely encountered people who taught you the wrong things, made you uncomfortable and didn’t offer you the support you were seeking.
After a certain stage, it’s pointless to blame people who have set you on a wrong course. If someone has taught you that 1 x 0 = 1, sooner or later you will figure out that you have been taught the wrong thing. The same holds good for most of the other things that you have been taught wrong.
You may not always have a teacher to set things right for you and get you back on the right track.
There are innumerable opportunities, people and resources around you that can teach you the right thing and set you on a better path.
Or you can curse your luck about the fact that you have been taught the wrong thing.
If you want to progress, there is only one option that is right.